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My UB your FTP
  basementkid, Apr 11 2010

I have 100 left on UB after depositing 200? maybe was just trying it out and wanna xfer it back over to ftp. Can anyone help me out. I am also lightrise on teamliquid... been here and there for almost 3 years and can send to a 3rd party if necessary.

Just shoot me a pm or post in the thread. Must be reputable Thx!

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Ridiculous Night... can't take it anymore
  basementkid, Feb 27 2010

I just played for about 4 hours and lost 14 buyins at 10 hu sng. I was up about 4 buyins and then went on a crazy downswing. I have been playing poker for a while now and have been grinding the 5 and 10 dollar sngs on ps and playing rush poker on full tilt and making a decent hourly rate. I had to shut down pokerstars because i felt a massive tilt coming.

Over the course of 14 or so heads up games i got it in with the best hand at least two times in a match and never won. It was the worst set of sucks out i have ever seen. Anyone have some advice on how to go on or if there were some better plays in some of the situations?

For a $600 roll on ps this was a huge hit. Guess these arn't considered "buyins" like cash games but still taking a 140 swing sucks

Submitted by : basementkid

PokerStars Game #40390624703: Tournament #247385119, $10.00+$0.50 USD Holdem No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/02/27 0:17:32 PT [2010/02/27 3:17:32 ET]
Table 247385119 1 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Gazoll (1950 in chips)
Seat 2: Hero (1050 in chips)
Gazoll: posts small blind 10
Hero: posts big blind 20

Dealt to Hero AcAs
Gazoll: raises 40 to 60
Hero: raises 100 to 160
Gazoll: raises 200 to 360
Hero: raises 690 to 1050 and is all-in
Gazoll: calls 690

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $2,100.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $2,100.00)


River (Pot : $2,100.00)


Hero: shows AcAs (three of a kind, Aces)
Gazoll: shows KdAh (a flush, Ace high)
Gazoll collected 2100 from pot

Total pot 2100 | Rake 0
Board  9d3dAdQd6c
Seat 1: Gazoll (button) (small blind) showed KdAh and won (2100) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 2: Hero (big blind) showed AcAs and lost with three of a kind, Aces

This was the last one that put me off and had me close my account out.

Submitted by : basementkid

PokerStars Game #40390384491: Tournament #247382294, $10.00+$0.50 USD Holdem No Limit - Match Round I, Level II (15/30) - 2010/02/27 0:04:34 PT [2010/02/27 3:04:34 ET]
Table 247382294 1 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: easy1221 (1045 in chips)
Seat 2: Hero (1955 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind 15
easy1221: posts big blind 30

Dealt to Hero 7s7c
Hero: raises 90 to 120
easy1221: raises 925 to 1045 and is all-in
Hero: calls 925

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $2,090.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $2,090.00)


River (Pot : $2,090.00)


easy1221: shows 4dAc (a straight, Ace to Five)
Hero: shows 7s7c (two pair, Sevens and Deuces)
easy1221 collected 2090 from pot

Total pot 2090 | Rake 0
Board  9d5c2s2h3c
Seat 1: easy1221 (big blind) showed 4dAc and won (2090) with a straight, Ace to Five
Seat 2: Hero (button) (small blind) showed 7s7c and lost with two pair, Sevens and Deuces

There are a few more. For some reason they don't show up on the HH, maybe i need to look back farther. I get one guy to stack off with jacks against my kings and spikes a jack on the flop. Another is where the guy open shoves 76o against my 3 bet AK and flops the gin straight.

Submitted by : basementkid

PokerStars Game #40390595810: Tournament #247385119, $10.00+$0.50 USD Holdem No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/02/27 0:15:58 PT [2010/02/27 3:15:58 ET]
Table 247385119 1 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Gazoll (970 in chips)
Seat 2: Hero (2030 in chips)
Gazoll: posts small blind 10
Hero: posts big blind 20

Dealt to Hero AsKc
Gazoll: raises 40 to 60
Hero: raises 100 to 160
Gazoll: raises 810 to 970 and is all-in
Hero: calls 810

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1,940.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $1,940.00)


River (Pot : $1,940.00)


Hero: shows AsKc (three of a kind, Nines)
Gazoll: shows 9dAc (four of a kind, Nines)
Gazoll collected 1940 from pot

Total pot 1940 | Rake 0
Board  9h9s9c6d5s
Seat 1: Gazoll (button) (small blind) showed 9dAc and won (1940) with four of a kind, Nines
Seat 2: Hero (big blind) showed AsKc and lost with three of a kind, Nines

This was a hand right before the aces hand.

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