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Show hand : 714756

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Handnr: 714756
Submitted by : locoo

Full Tilt Poker Game #13264142272: Table Higgins (heads up, deep) - $5/$10 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:12:12 ET - 2009/07/07
Seat 1: Soooted-Drugs ($2,127)
Seat 2: Hero ($3,835.50)
Soooted-Drugs posts the small blind of $5
Hero posts the big blind of $10
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to Hero9cJc
Soooted-Drugs raises to $30
Hero calls $20

Flop (Pot : $60.00)

Hero checks
Soooted-Drugs has 15 seconds left to act
Soooted-Drugs bets $40
Hero raises to $120
Soooted-Drugs has 15 seconds left to act
Soooted-Drugs raises to $260
Hero calls $140

Turn (Pot : $580.00)

Hero checks
Soooted-Drugs has 15 seconds left to act
Soooted-Drugs bets $380
Hero calls $380

River (Pot : $1,340.00)

Hero checks
Soooted-Drugs bets $1,457, and is all in
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero has requested TIME
Hero calls $1,457

Soooted-Drugs showsAcQd Ace Queen high
Hero shows9cJc a pair of Jacks
Hero wins the pot ($4,253.50) with a pair of Jacks
Soooted-Drugs adds $1,000

Total pot $4,254 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: Soooted-Drugs (small blind) showedAcQd and lost with Ace Queen high
Seat 2: Hero (big blind) showed9cJc and won ($4,253.50) with a pair of Jacks

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edzwoo   United States. Jul 07 2009 21:36. Posts 5911


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BalloonFight   United States. Jul 07 2009 21:37. Posts 1380

really sick, nice call

FitoPaez   Peru. Jul 07 2009 21:44. Posts 64

hotw imo

Si de nada sirve vivir, busca algo por que morir 

Baalim   Mexico. Jul 07 2009 21:46. Posts 34260


Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

SPEWTARD   Peru. Jul 07 2009 21:46. Posts 4306


Rise and Shine 


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