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The Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

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D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 13 2012 18:13. Posts 688

As I suggested in my blog, I will try to present one conspiracy theory that you’ve always wanted put under scrutiny and give its strongest arguments. Most of the suggestions were about aliens/MJ being an alien/lizard-aliens/reptilian matrix and so the conspiracy theory that is connected to this the most is the Reptilian Conspiracy Theory. If you are uninterested in this and do not want to spend your time reading it, please exit the thread now. This thread will take up no more than an inch by half an inch virtual space in the General Section of this forum so I believe those of you who are uninterested in discussing it will have an easy time skipping this virtual space designated for discussing the topic itself.

Now that all the uninterested parties are out of the thread, I can begin presenting the strongest arguments for this wild theory.

Here is the theory without giving my personal opinion in it.

This conspiracy theory suggests that there is a highly intelligent extraterrestrial humanoid Reptilian race walking on two feet like me and you. The theory suggests that this race controls our planet and is responsible for most of the famine, corruption, wars and almost every major evil we see today.

Look around. Only on this planet we have hundreds of thousands of different lifeforms in all kinds of shape – we have insects who spit poison, others who look like leafs in order to blend with the background. We have all types of plants – from poisonous to psychoactive, from plants eating insects to healing herbs… We have all kinds of animals – mammalian, reptilian, flying, swimming big, fat, small, skinny, funny looking, terrifying, poisonous and much more. Even the humanoid beings every one of us is familiar with range from midgets to Asians with strange eyes to black people with huge dicks or simply white folks with tremendous difference in facial features. There is no reason to close our minds to the possibility that somewhere among the TRILLION of stars and planets there might be a humanoid race that evolved into a Reptilian form rather than mammalian like. In 13 billion years of evolution, the Universe sure has to offer more than what we are familiar with from our 20-30 years of life experience and memory. Last time I checked, most people believed people evolved from monkeys in several thousand years so what makes it impossible for let’s say one of the many Dinosaur species to have evolved like monkeys into highly intelligent beings after MANY MILLIONS of years rather than a few thousand years as mainstream science suggests about the monkeys? It certainly is a possibility worth looking into. It’s not that the Reptilian theory says they evolved from dinosaurs, no. It’s just one of the possibilities and it’s a good example to give people perspective when thinking about the mechanisms of evolution.

The Reptilian Conspiracy Theory suggests that the Reptilian humanoids came to Earth in the ancient past and enslaved humanity.

The Sumerian Tablets dated over 5000 years ago found in modern day Iraq talk about the Annunaki (Those who from heaven came to Earth) and created Mankind in their image (sounds familiar?) to be a slave race and mine gold for them. They needed the gold for their planet Nibiru from which they came to Earth because they destroyed a big part of the ozone layer and had no protection from sun radiation. That’s why they needed pulverized gold to be put in their atmosphere and deflect this radiation. That whole thing was written on the tablets. It seems highly unlikely that the great Sumerian Civilization that had the first known written language and mathematical knowledge just spent their days recording fiction stories developing complex clay tablets after the hard days of hunting for food and doing work. It is much more likely that they recorded their history and the biggest events of their generation only to be remembered for the next generations. It is also very unlikely that ancient people like the Sumerians would have the knowledge of gold’s reflecting properties. Today, we know through scientific experimentation that gold is the best substance to reflect sun radiation. We put golden shields on space astronauts’ head armor (couldn’t find the right word lol) so they can look through gold and not have their brains cooked in space.

Some experts suggest that the Annunaki are in fact the Reptilians and they created modernday man through the genetic manipulation of an already existing creature. In the ancient Hebrew Bible (the Original), the text talks about Elochim, which means Gods (plural), creating us by their image. This was changed in the modernday Bible to “God” in order to fit the Christian Religion frame they put to suppress knowledge of the past. Every ancient civilization or culture has similar legends. The oldest worship is that of the Serpent! This is very important. China, Japan and many other oriental places – worship of the Dragon. Egypt – snake Gods; Africa – snake Gods/ Serpent worship; Hopi Indians – snake Gods;

Is it possible that at some point in time this Serpent/Snake/Reptilian race came to Earth and through genetic engineering (we already do today) changed the DNA of a certain monkey-like or human-like being and thus created modernday man as many ancient cultures suggest?

The legends say that this race of advanced beings can shapeshift – change their appearance. The African legend says that this Serpent race does not want to be known, they like to remain in the dark, pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Both in the African legends and in the Sumerian Tablets is talked about two brothers who lead their entire race and they have scaly/fish-like skin and are associated with water and one of the brothers, being the lead scientist, created modernday man. The similarities between the legends of these two totally unconnected cultures are astonishing. Moreover, you can find many similar statues or figures from Africa and Sumeria.

The theory suggests that this Reptilian race started having sex with the people on Earth that they created because they were beautiful and the resulting offspring were people with mixed Reptilian and Human genes and they were the ones who were given the rights to rule this planet and drive the Reptilian Agenda. The proponents of this conspiracy theory say that since that time up until today the rulling Elite has always been descendants of those initial bloodlines, resulting from the Reptilian-Human offspring.

We have all heard about the aristocratic blue bloodlines. They are all thought of as descendants of that mixed offspring and among the experts they are known as the 13 Bloodlines. We all know that the monarchies always transfer power to their offspring so isn’t it possible that this transfer of power started in ancient time and haven’t stopped until today? We can see today that many countries have dragon or snake symbols in their flags like Wales, Bhutan, Spain and many others. Could they be a referrence to the worship of the most sacred and beloved - their ancestors?

Interestingly enough, Berlusconi has this cool snake-shaped part of his garden:

You can also see the Snake symbol in the Pharmaceutical logos because Big Pharma plays a big part in their agenda. In many other logos and brands the dragon-snake symbol can be found like in Alfa Romeo for example.

This is the logo of the World Health Organization:

Alfa Romeo:

Here are some reptilian/snake/dragon statues representing the Reptilian Race:

Rome, Italy

Sumerian Statue, 4000BC

Other Sumerian figures:


London Gates:

The Reptilian Conspiracy theory states that since these 13 bloodlines are a huge minority compared to humans, they do everything in their power to remain in the dark. One of the ways that they are said to do this is by switching DNA sequences. As I already said, these descendants are believed to have both Reptilian and Human DNA and by switching DNA sequences they are said change “physical” form. Remember that your body is merely a combination of atoms and other particles in a certain order designed by the DNA. If you change the DNA (the code/input), you change the physical hologram that your body is (the result/the output). We already know substances that change shape according to sound or to magnetic influence so maybe such a shapeshift is possible too. It is said that in order for the Reptilians to keep their human form they need to have an abundance of human DNA. This happens mainly by drinking human blood. We all know the stories of the aristocratic vampires living in castles, controlling the people and killing them/drinking their blood like Dracula. Maybe the legends of the vampires are in fact talking about Reptilians.

According to some conspiracy theorists, the Reptilians cannot only shapeshift but also have developed holographic technology that can mask their Reptilian features if they need/want to. Some theorists even go as far as saying that the Reptilians have created synthetic humanoid robots looking just like you and me that can experience certain technological breakdown which can expose them. A lot of speculation is going on and I guess it’s normal considering the wild topic.

Interestingly enough, human embryos have reptilian features in the early stages of development in our bodies. If Reptilians have created us by their own image then this might be a clue to this. Ernst Haeckel theorized that the development of advanced species passes through stages represented by adult organisms of more primitive species.[7] Otherwise put, each successive stage in the development of an individual represents one of the adult forms that appeared in its evolutionary history. For example, Haeckel proposed that the pharyngeal slits of the pharyngeal arches in the neck of the human embryo resembled gill slits of fish, thus representing an adult "fishlike" developmental stage as well as signifying a fishlike ancestor.

A scientist of great respect like Carl Sagan has written books on the Reptilian connection so to speak.

This is the shortest version I could come up with that explains in somewhat simple terms the Reptilian Conspiracy Theory. If you don't like the theory, please take your hatred towards the theory, not me.

Now, the question all of you are asking right now – is there video proof of a reptilian shapeshift or breakdown taking place? I can’t answer that but can only present the strongest arguments for such events and let you decide. After all, we are living in the video-age, cameras everywhere. If there was ever a time in history that someone can record a possible reptilian shapeshift and present it to others it’s today.

The Reptilian conspiracy theory suggests that most of the Reptilians and/or possible Reptilian humanoid robotoids (or something along those lines) are put in top and other key positions in order to control the Reptilian Agenda. Many speculate that among them are some of the Presidents, senators, officials, mayors, actors, singers, news anchors and TV show hosts.

I have compiled a series of videos that I think are the strongest possible video arguments for this theory. I will post them for you to decide for yourself. I will post the videos one by one and give some time for each video to be analysed and discussed in this thread. The most common problem this alleged Reptilians have is keeping their eyes and teeth human. Often, the eyes are said to turn into cat-eyes (slits) and the teeth – into sharp crocodile teeth. That’s why it is believed by some that they use holographic technology to mask these shapeshifting bugs that are not in their full control.

Most Reptilians are said to be in key positions as already said but some are said to live normal lives. The fist video shows a french girl in a TV show and the host and audience are astonished at her eyes. If someone knows French, it would be nice to see a translation. Here is the video:


This is the documentary section:

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Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 15/06/2012 17:44

tutz   Brasil. Jun 13 2012 18:27. Posts 2140

oh no you didnt...

tutz   Brasil. Jun 13 2012 18:30. Posts 2140

havent read this yet, but just wanna say this are not my words.

 Last edit: 13/06/2012 18:41

uiCk   Canada. Jun 13 2012 18:35. Posts 3521

  On June 13 2012 17:13 D_smart_S wrote:

Look around. Only on this planet we have hundreds of thousands of different lifeforms in all kinds of shape – we have insects who spit poison, others who look like leafs in order to blend with the background. We have all types of plants – from poisonous to psychoactive, from plants eating insects to healing herbs… We have all kinds of animals – mammalian, reptilian, flying, swimming big, fat, small, skinny, funny looking, terrifying, poisonous and much more. Even the humanoid beings every one of us is familiar with range from midgets to Asians with strange eyes to black people with huge dicks or simply white folks with tremendous difference in facial features. There is no reason to close our minds to the possibility that somewhere among the TRILLION of stars and planets there might be a humanoid race that evolved into a Reptilian form rather than mammalian like. In 13 billion years of evolution, the Universe sure has to offer more than what we are familiar with from our 20-30 years of life experience and memory. Last time I checked, most people believed people evolved from monkeys in several thousand years so what makes it impossible for let’s say one of the many Dinosaur species to have evolved like monkeys into highly intelligent beings after MANY MILLIONS of years rather than a few thousand years as mainstream science suggests about the monkeys? It certainly is a possibility worth looking into. It’s not that the Reptilian theory says they evolved from dinosaurs, no. It’s just one of the possibilities and it’s a good example to give people perspective when thinking about the mechanisms of evolution.

Point out that this is the only part of your post that contains some kind of argumentation, where the rest is just different myths/folklore/ancient cultures that have been passed on word to mouth, paintings and sculptures and only high top society, until the print press, were able to transcend those folklore from generation to generation, where the differences in the stories/culture from society to society differences itself by not having a direct flow of information (think of it as the broken telephone).
As much as reptiles (mostly snakes and dragons, which is folklore for "giant" reptiles, more then a human/reptile race) are represented in ancient/modern civilizations, so is the bear, and the lion for example. I think it has more to do with the fact that all these animals have one thing in common: they are deadly to humans, especially in ancient times.

Wanted to clear out that all other "dominant" animals are as present through history as symbols as much as snakes and dragons. Misleading information is a conspiracy theorists best tool.

It has been speculated that accounts of spitting cobras may be the origin of the myths of fire-breathing dragons
Cool read, especially the "Comparative mythology" section.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 13/06/2012 18:39

tutz   Brasil. Jun 13 2012 18:38. Posts 2140

The Reptilian Theory goes much deeper than this. This is just the tip of the iceberg...

uiCk   Canada. Jun 13 2012 18:41. Posts 3521

if your not going to talk about it, then shut it, especially after the complaining about being trolled for your (nonexistent) ideas.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

SleepyHead   . Jun 13 2012 18:45. Posts 878

Two questions:

1. Are the reptillians and the Illuminati related?

2. When they were creating people, why did they give black people huge dicks?

Dude you some social darwinist ideas that they are giving hitlers ghost a boner - Baal 

tutz   Brasil. Jun 13 2012 18:45. Posts 2140

  On June 13 2012 17:41 uiCk wrote:
if your not going to talk about it, then shut it, especially after the complaining about being trolled for your (nonexistent) ideas.

No thank you. I will say whatever I want just as much as I want as long as I'm not insulting anybody. You should do the same. Peace.

CrownRoyal   United States. Jun 13 2012 18:46. Posts 11385

i love reptiles


palak   United States. Jun 13 2012 18:52. Posts 4601

  On June 13 2012 13:09 tutz wrote:
Show nested quote +

I guess we will find out very soon how wrong or right I am.

So ur theory contains a testable hypothesis and can be falsified? What is the hypothesis?

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 13/06/2012 18:56

tutz   Brasil. Jun 13 2012 19:01. Posts 2140

  On June 13 2012 17:52 palak wrote:
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So ur theory contains a testable hypothesis and can be falsified? What is the hypothesis?

Well, a lot of the evidence I have come across to the Reptilians Theory has everything to do with the Illuminati and One World Order, it is all connected. Since there is also a lot of evidence (or clues if you wanna call it like that) that suggests something major will happen in the London Olympic Games 2012 I have to imply that if nothing happens, all the evidence that I have seen is bullshit, therefor I have no reason to believe the rest of the theory, since most of it is the same "kind" of evidence and the rest wont be enough to still convince me. In conclusion: after the London Games 2012 I will either be 100% absolutely sure about this or I just wont believe it anymore.

 Last edit: 13/06/2012 19:07

CrownRoyal   United States. Jun 13 2012 19:03. Posts 11385

i bet jesus was a lounge lizard.


taco   Iceland. Jun 13 2012 19:03. Posts 1793


I can not be the only person sick of this shit. This shit repels people from joining this board and/or becoming active, contributing participants in discussions.


tutz   Brasil. Jun 13 2012 19:08. Posts 2140

  On June 13 2012 18:03 taco wrote:

I can not be the only person sick of this shit. This shit repels people from joining this board and/or becoming active, contributing participants in discussions.


Dont over react. This thread is doing no harm to LP. Chill dude.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 13 2012 19:17. Posts 688

  On June 13 2012 18:01 tutz wrote:
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Well, a lot of the evidence I have come across to the Reptilians Theory has everything to do with the Illuminati and One World Order, it is all connected. Since there is also a lot of evidence (or clues if you wanna call it like that) that suggests something major will happen in the London Olympic Games 2012 I have to imply that if nothing happens, all the evidence that I have seen is bullshit, therefor I have no reason to believe the rest of the theory, since most of it is the same "kind" of evidence and the rest wont be enough to still convince me. In conclusion: after the London Games 2012 I will either be 100% absolutely sure about this or I just wont believe it anymore.

yin & yang . There are good powers that can prevent something bad happening on or around the Olympics. There is this Illuminati Mass Arrest theory lurking around that states how they will all be arrested soon by the good guys. I am kind of skeptical but keep an open-mind and I guess we will soon know a lot more.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

taco   Iceland. Jun 13 2012 19:18. Posts 1793

  On June 13 2012 18:08 tutz wrote:
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Dont over react. This thread is doing no harm to LP. Chill dude.

Having these retarded threads that make us all look like absolute fucking morons that give an audience to that absolute fucking retard
isn't harmful to LP? Then how was that Breivik joke?

His retarded retard threads are at the top of 'General', our most used discussion board, 85% of the time.

 Last edit: 13/06/2012 19:18

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 13 2012 19:21. Posts 688

  On June 13 2012 18:18 taco wrote:
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His retarded retard threads are at the top of 'General', our most used discussion board, 85% of the time.

So you think bumping it with your post helps it drop down in the "General"? Or you think it helps the discussion?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

SleepyHead   . Jun 13 2012 19:22. Posts 878

They are always at the top of the General forum because they are popular and have many posts from people (like you)

Dude you some social darwinist ideas that they are giving hitlers ghost a boner - Baal 

tutz   Brasil. Jun 13 2012 19:23. Posts 2140

  On June 13 2012 18:18 taco wrote:
Show nested quote +

Having these retarded threads that make us all look like absolute fucking morons that give an audience to that absolute fucking retard
isn't harmful to LP? Then how was that Breivik joke?

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His retarded retard threads are at the top of 'General', our most used discussion board, 85% of the time.

Nobody is being forced to participate.

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Jun 13 2012 19:32. Posts 5230

is that what LP has become lol sigh


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