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Show hand : 975264

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Handnr: 975264
Submitted by : longple

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** On Game
$1000.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, June 05, 03:38:08 ET 2012
Table Bordighera Real Money
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $1024.00 USD - VPIP: 33, PFR: 22, 3B: 9, AF: 3.2, Hands: 845
Seat 3: Player3 $2872.11 USD - VPIP: 50, PFR: 33, 3B: 16, AF: 1.9, Hands: 2194
Seat 4: Hero $1244.00 USD - VPIP: 37, PFR: 29, 3B: 11, AF: 2.6, Hands: 24941
Seat 7: Player7 $1226.00 USD - VPIP: 28, PFR: 24, 3B: 9, AF: 2.8, Hands: 269
Seat 8: Player8 $1274.50 USD - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 8, AF: 3.6, Hands: 355
Player3 posts small blind [$5.00 USD].
Hero posts big blind [$10.00 USD].

Dealt to Hero [As3s ]
Player7 raises [$30.00 USD]
Player8 folds
Player1 folds
Player3 folds
Hero raises [$85.00 USD]
Player7 calls [$65.00 USD]

Flop (Pot : $185.00)

Hero bets [$100.00 USD]
Player7 calls [$100.00 USD]

Turn (Pot : $385.00)

Hero checks
Player7 bets [$190.00 USD]
Hero calls [$190.00 USD]

River (Pot : $765.00)

Hero checks
Player7 bets [$841.00 USD]
Hero calls [$841.00 USD]
Player7 wins $2454.00 USD from main pot
Player7 shows AhKs

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longple    Sweden. Jun 05 2012 10:05. Posts 4472

i was so happy snapcallmode vs this specific player also vs him its the perfect spot to take this line with a hand like this

(i thought he might ch it down with AhQ AhJ sometimes thinking of a littlebit of SDV on the turn and never have AK tho)

stupid regs be stupid!

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 Last edit: 05/06/2012 10:12

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Jun 05 2012 10:05. Posts 8623

Well that sucks

SpasticInk   Sweden. Jun 05 2012 10:18. Posts 6298

maybe he valuebet -.-

longple    Sweden. Jun 05 2012 10:32. Posts 4472

its not too bad of a valuebet against me, marginal spot and i would concider doing it against some players in his spot if i flatted AK

but trust me, this player didnt

 Last edit: 05/06/2012 10:33

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jun 05 2012 10:58. Posts 8648

it seems pretty terrible for him to think you're ever folding better on river, if you're confident it was a bluff and he's a reg i assume he must be a pretty significant loser. =o

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 05/06/2012 11:00

longple    Sweden. Jun 05 2012 11:27. Posts 4472

many of 5/10 regs are of this caliber : P i see this playertype allllllllllllll the time (can also add that ive played with him alot on my other computer too, im not judgeing him only after 270 hands)

(just insert QJhh or 89ss instead that they bluffed with)

(no offence many of 5/10 regs! )

 Last edit: 05/06/2012 12:19

n0rthf4ce    United States. Jun 05 2012 11:29. Posts 8119

i made a similar calldown vs a similar player and he had QQ 

rubbago   Mexico. Jun 05 2012 13:52. Posts 257

  On June 05 2012 10:27 longple wrote:
many of 5/10 regs are of this caliber : P i see this playertype allllllllllllll the time (can also add that ive played with him alot on my other computer too, im not judgeing him only after 270 hands)

(just insert QJhh or 89ss instead that they bluffed with)

(no offence many of 5/10 regs! )

hu vs baal plz

Twitter: @rubbago 

longple    Sweden. Jun 05 2012 14:56. Posts 4472


lebowski   Greece. Jun 05 2012 16:02. Posts 9205

I'm assuming you expect him to flat 89s QJs 100bbs deep from utg vs your bb 3bet based on some sort of history? How loose is he from utg and if he flats that much how can you make such holdings work =O
nvm about last part I just realized it's like I asked you "how does one win at poker" lol

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Jun 05 2012 16:26. Posts 8918

I hate when that happens

longple    Sweden. Jun 05 2012 16:39. Posts 4472

125bb deep is a important thing to note

i expected him to only valuebet T9s-KTs wich is 8 combos, and ATs 1 combo and 77 22 (raising flop almost everytime tho)

and never valuebet JJ 99 if he flatted that, or 78s or something like that, and not bluff with AhJ AhQ (and raise AJhh AQhh most of the time on the flop) and always bluff with QJhh 89s KJhh etc etc etc

given the odds it felt like a snapcall for me vs this playertype

and i was right, he tryed to bluff me off an overpair pretty much lolz but i was wrong in thinking he would not turn 7x into a bluff wich basically is the same hand as AK here (standard reg logic right there)


All hands submitted by longple:

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