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Show hand : 614040

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Handnr: 614040
Submitted by : BlizzY

** Hand # 2378663155 starting - 2009-01-22 01:49:29
** Rose simple [Hold 'em] (1.00|2.00 NL - Cash Game) Real Money
gonador1515 sitting in seat 1 with €131.25
e3ro sitting in seat 2 with €245.77
Tapanenko sitting in seat 3 with €266.21[Dealer]
fokakorv sitting in seat 4 with €142.30
FacingTheSun sitting in seat 5 with €200.00
Brummis sitting in seat 6 with €263.82
fokakorv posted the small blind - €1.00
FacingTheSun posted the big blind - €2.00

Brummis folded
gonador1515 called - €2.00
e3ro folded
Tapanenko folded
fokakorv folded
FacingTheSun checked

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $5.00)

FacingTheSun bet - €5.00
gonador1515 raised to €10.00
FacingTheSun called - €10.00

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $25.00)

FacingTheSun checked
gonador1515 went all-in - €119.25
FacingTheSun called - €119.25

River (Pot : $263.50)


gonador1515 shows:7h,Ah
FacingTheSun shows:9s,6d
FacingTheSun wins €260.50 from the main pot

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