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Show hand : 344409

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Handnr: 344409
Submitted by : SakiSaki

Full Tilt Poker Game #4620438778: Table Alta (6 max) - $2/$4 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:03:40 ET - 2007/12/25
Seat 1: Seven77TK ($504.20)
Seat 2: sitsik2008 ($490.20)
Seat 3: noluck17 ($396)
Seat 4: donkyslayer2 ($388), is sitting out
Seat 5: schiksal187 ($517)
Seat 6: Hero ($443.40)
noluck17 posts the small blind of $2
schiksal187 posts the big blind of $4
The button is in seat #2

Dealt to Hero Ah7h
Hero raises to $14
Seven77TK folds
sitsik2008 folds
noluck17 folds
noluck17 adds $6
schiksal187 calls $10

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $30.00)

schiksal187 checks
Hero bets $24
schiksal187 raises to $54
Hero raises to $429.40, and is all in
schiksal187 calls $375.40
Hero shows Ah7h
schiksal187 shows JhQh

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $888.80)


River (Pot : $888.80)

schiksal187: so normal
Hero shows a flush, Ace high
schiksal187 shows a flush, King high
Hero wins the pot ($885.80) with a flush, Ace high

Total pot $888.80 | Rake $3
Board:  4hKh6hKd5c
Seat 1: Seven77TK didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: sitsik2008 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: noluck17 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: donkyslayer2 is sitting out
Seat 5: schiksal187 (big blind) showed JhQh and lost with a flush, King high
Seat 6: Hero showed Ah7h and won ($885.80) with a flush, Ace high

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SakiSaki    Sweden. Dec 25 2007 11:05. Posts 9685

whoa rollecoaster

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what wackass site is this nigga?  

Sennpu   Canada. Dec 25 2007 11:07. Posts 1960

lolz ur lucky he didnt runner runner Straight flush @ FTP!

then she ask me my qualities n bad qualities. so i tell her truth and she kinda laugh at me lol. then i ask her for hers and she gtg. i think it going ok. -Floofy 

def_jammer   Germany. Dec 25 2007 11:15. Posts 1227

 Last edit: 25/12/2007 11:16


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