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Show hand : 9237

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Handnr: 9237
Submitted by : pinbaLL

***** Hand History for Game 3511636977 *****
$200 NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, February 07, 16:11:58 EDT 2006
Table Table 65733 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: workToBeDest ( $225.10 )
Seat 2: paulasp111 ( $319.75 )
Seat 4: trubby ( $134.55 )
Seat 5: madguy2099 ( $372.65 )
Seat 6: ESeaYour ( $200 )
Seat 8: Bahse_Hogg ( $428.20 )
Seat 3: frufru33 ( $156 )
Seat 10: StAnger_kkk ( $201.30 )
Seat 9: kc0013 ( $80 )
Bahse_Hogg posts small blind [$1].
StAnger_kkk posts big blind [$2].

Dealt to ESeaYour QhQd
workToBeDest folds.
paulasp111 calls [$2].
frufru33 folds.
trubby calls [$2].
ESeaYour raises [$12].
Bahse_Hogg folds.
StAnger_kkk folds.
paulasp111 folds.
trubby calls [$10].

Flop (Pot : $29)

trubby checks.
Car_JOCKY has joined the table.
ESeaYour bets [$20].
trubby is all-In [$122.55]
ESeaYour calls [$102.55].

Turn (Pot : $274.1)


River (Pot : $274.1)

ESeaYour shows QhQd a pair of queens.
trubby shows 2s2d three of a kind, twos.
trubby wins $271.10 from the main pot with three of a kind, twos.


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Daut    United States. Feb 07 2006 14:39. Posts 8955

he was on the 45 draw

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NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 


All hands submitted by pinbaLL:

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