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Show hand : 899985

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Handnr: 899985
Submitted by : MiPwnYa

PokerStars Game #59956938705: Omaha Pot Limit ($5/$10 USD) - 2011/03/28 14:41:57 ET
Table Achernar III 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: PBJaxx ($1407.10 in chips)
Seat 2: E1ephant ($2990.60 in chips)
Seat 4: m_reed05 ($3006 in chips)
Seat 5: MiPwnYa ($2521 in chips)
Seat 6: lebron411 ($2709.80 in chips)
E1ephant: posts small blind $5
m_reed05: posts big blind $10
PBJaxx: posts the ante $2
E1ephant: posts the ante $2
m_reed05: posts the ante $2
MiPwnYa: posts the ante $2
lebron411: posts the ante $2

Dealt to MiPwnYa AdAcQd6s
MiPwnYa: raises $35 to $45
lebron411: folds
PBJaxx: raises $115 to $160
E1ephant: raises $385 to $545
m_reed05: folds
MiPwnYa: raises $1270 to $1815
PBJaxx: calls $1245.10 and is all-in
E1ephant: raises $1173.60 to $2988.60 and is all-in
MiPwnYa: calls $704 and is all-in
Uncalled bet ($469.60) returned to E1ephant

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $6,453.10)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $6,453.10)


River (Pot : $6,453.10)


E1ephant: shows AhQcAsTh (a straight, Nine to King)
MiPwnYa: shows AdAcQd6s (a pair of Aces)
E1ephant collected $2227.80 from side pot
PBJaxx: shows 8sQsJc4c (a pair of Jacks)
E1ephant collected $4233.30 from main pot

Total pot $6463.10 Main pot $4233.30. Side pot $2227.80. | Rake $2
Board  Jd3h2c9dKc
Seat 1: PBJaxx (button) showed 8sQsJc4c and lost with a pair of Jacks
Seat 2: E1ephant (small blind) showed AhQcAsTh and won ($6461.10) with a straight, Nine to King
Seat 4: m_reed05 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: MiPwnYa showed AdAcQd6s and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 6: lebron411 folded before Flop (didnt bet)

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ytricky   Germany. Mar 28 2011 17:06. Posts 600

Do you ever consider folding in these spots? i had a similar spot today, where someone cold 4bet me and there was also a caller in the midst of it. The guy who 4bet showed up with AA** and my equity was terribad.

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MiPwnYa    Brasil. Mar 28 2011 19:19. Posts 5230

narr i never fold that, at plo1k game is much wilder pf tho, esp deep
at lower stakes u might find spots where folding is correct i guess


All hands submitted by MiPwnYa:

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