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Show hand : 883597

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Handnr: 883597
Submitted by : TilICollapse

Full Tilt Poker Game #27112309890: Table Adrenaline - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 03:40:27 ET - 2011/01/09
Seat 1: TiIICoIIapse ($142.05)
Seat 2: VagabondBXL ($109.50)
Seat 3: goodspeed1 ($90.85)
Seat 4: taffyanne ($273.25)
Seat 5: Stockoption4 ($65.65)
Seat 6: Preparat ($46.90)
Seat 7: CannedHodgie ($301.90)
Seat 8: wxlancer ($107.30)
Seat 9: nastynate_79 ($178.65)
CannedHodgie posts the small blind of $0.50
wxlancer posts the big blind of $1
The button is in seat #6

Dealt to TiIICoIIapseQhKh
nastynate_79 folds
TiIICoIIapse has 8 seconds left to act
TiIICoIIapse raises to $3
VagabondBXL folds
goodspeed1 folds
taffyanne folds
Stockoption4 folds
Preparat folds
CannedHodgie folds
wxlancer calls $2

Flop (Pot : $6.50)

wxlancer bets $4
TiIICoIIapse has 15 seconds left to act
TiIICoIIapse has requested TIME
TiIICoIIapse raises to $12
wxlancer has 15 seconds left to act
wxlancer has requested TIME
wxlancer calls $8

Turn (Pot : $30.50)

wxlancer checks
TiIICoIIapse bets $16
wxlancer calls $16

River (Pot : $62.50)

wxlancer has 15 seconds left to act
wxlancer bets $40
TiIICoIIapse has 15 seconds left to act
TiIICoIIapse has requested TIME
TiIICoIIapse folds
Uncalled bet of $40 returned to wxlancer
wxlancer mucks
wxlancer wins the pot ($59.50)

Total pot $62.50 | Rake $3
Seat 1: TiIICoIIapse folded on the River
Seat 2: VagabondBXL didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: goodspeed1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: taffyanne didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: Stockoption4 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Preparat (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: CannedHodgie (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 8: wxlancer (big blind) collected ($59.50), mucked
Seat 9: nastynate_79 didn't bet (folded)

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OpWestAcct   United States. Jan 09 2011 13:31. Posts 640

What a horrid fold

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Fuck me 

Carthac   United States. Jan 09 2011 13:41. Posts 1343

Yeah, he can easily be block leading with a 7, missed ace high FD, a lower flopped FD. You HAVE to call here

TilICollapse   United States. Jan 09 2011 13:47. Posts 218

Alright cool. He timebank called the flop and at the time I thought he was considering 3 betting/calling. He also had TAGish stats over a small sample so I didn't think he would play a 7 this way. In retrospect it was pretty bad.


All hands submitted by TilICollapse:

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