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Show hand : 444176

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Handnr: 444176
Submitted by : KrappyKonnect

Full Tilt Poker Game #6407336789: FTOPS Event #13 (45521303), Table 24 - 200/400 Ante 30 - Limit Stud H/L - 23:37:55 ET - 2008/05/13
Seat 1: dugdug23 (10,314)
Seat 2: OnlyPlayRagz (7,037)
Seat 3: KrappyKonnect (6,054)
Seat 4: icestro (4,516)
Seat 5: THE__D__RY (5,389)
Seat 6: the aviator1 (6,082)
Seat 7: miAmihAns (2,150)
Seat 8: Iwinulosehaha (8,606)
dugdug23 antes 30
OnlyPlayRagz antes 30
KrappyKonnect antes 30
icestro antes 30
THE__D__RY antes 30
the aviator1 antes 30
miAmihAns antes 30
Iwinulosehaha antes 30
*** 3RD STREET ***
Dealt to dugdug23 7h]
Dealt to OnlyPlayRagz 5s]
Dealt to KrappyKonnect 8cAd 3s]
Dealt to icestro Kd]
Dealt to THE__D__RY 6d]
Dealt to the aviator1 Jc]
Dealt to miAmihAns Ks]
Dealt to Iwinulosehaha Jd]
KrappyKonnect is low with 3s]
KrappyKonnect brings in for 50
icestro folds
THE__D__RY folds
the aviator1 folds
miAmihAns completes it to 200
Iwinulosehaha folds
dugdug23 has 15 seconds left to act
dugdug23 folds
OnlyPlayRagz calls 200
KrappyKonnect calls 150
*** 4TH STREET ***
Dealt to OnlyPlayRagz 5s] Tc]
Dealt to KrappyKonnect 8cAd3s] 4h]
Dealt to miAmihAns Ks] Jh]
miAmihAns bets 200
OnlyPlayRagz folds
KrappyKonnect calls 200
*** 5TH STREET ***
Dealt to KrappyKonnect 8cAd3s4h As]
Dealt to miAmihAns KsJh 9s]
KrappyKonnect bets 400
miAmihAns calls 400
*** 6TH STREET ***
Dealt to KrappyKonnect 8cAd3s4hAs] 7s]
Dealt to miAmihAns KsJh9s] Kc]
miAmihAns bets 400
KrappyKonnect raises to 800
miAmihAns calls 400
*** 7TH STREET ***
Dealt to KrappyKonnect 8cAd3s4hAs7s] 3d]
miAmihAns checks
KrappyKonnect bets 400
miAmihAns calls 400

KrappyKonnect shows Ad8c3s4hAs7s3d] two pair, Aces and Threes, for high and 8,7,4,3,A, for low
miAmihAns mucks
KrappyKonnect wins the high pot (2,220) with two pair, Aces and Threes
KrappyKonnect wins the low pot (2,220) with 8,7,4,3,A

Total pot 4,440 | Rake 0
Seat 1: dugdug23 folded on 3rd St.
Seat 2: OnlyPlayRagz folded on 4th St.
Seat 3: KrappyKonnect showed Ad8c3s4hAs7s3d] and won (4,440) with HI: two pair, Aces and Threes; LO: 8,7,4,3,A
Seat 4: icestro folded on 3rd St.
Seat 5: THE__D__RY folded on 3rd St.
Seat 6: the aviator1 folded on 3rd St.
Seat 7: miAmihAns mucked QcJsKsJh9sKc2c] - HI: two pair, Kings and Jacks
Seat 8: Iwinulosehaha folded on 3rd St.

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