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Show hand : 1099028

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Handnr: 1099028
Submitted by : YoMeR

GAME #4333987113 Version: Uncalled:Y Texas Holdem NL $2.50/$5 2022-08-26 19:01:22/GMT
Table Table27432686
Seat 1: P6-727829MI $507.50 in chips
Seat 2: P7-179521UO $500.00 in chips
Seat 3: P8-474654YN $507.50 in chips
Seat 4: P9-197012RY $480.00 in chips
Seat 5: P1-918466YV $523.55 in chips
Seat 6: P2-229626XR $663.80 in chips
Seat 8: P3-489977SR $530.00 in chips DEALER
Seat 9: P4-718604AD $510.00 in chips
Seat 10: Hero $1,067.65 in chips
P4-718604AD: Post SB $2.50
Hero: Post BB $5.00

Dealt to Hero8h6h
P6-727829MI: Fold
P7-179521UO: Fold
P8-474654YN: Fold
P9-197012RY: Fold
P1-918466YV: Fold
P2-229626XR: Fold
P3-489977SR: Fold
P4-718604AD: Raise NF $15.00
Hero: Raise NF $50.00
P4-718604AD: Call $35.00

Flop (Pot : $100.00)

P4-718604AD: Check
Hero: Bet $48.00
P4-718604AD: Call $48.00

Turn (Pot : $196.00)

P4-718604AD: Check
Hero: Bet $96.00
P4-718604AD: Allin $412.00
Hero: Call $316.00

River (Pot : $1,020.00)


Total pot $1,016.00 Rake $4.00
P4-718604Ad: Shows5sAs Three of a Kind, Fives
Hero: Shows8h6h Straight, Nine High
Hero: wins $1,016.00

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lostaccount   Canada. Sep 05 2022 13:03. Posts 6126

yomer u still crushing?

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duo xie merci ty :) gracais obrigado danke xie xieLast edit: 27/02/2023 15:07


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